January 6th Ashli Babbitt

Is the Deep State trying to pull off one of the Largest Con Jobs in American History - a Red-Flag event designed to discourage the Constitutional "Fourth Branch" of gov't - We The People - from doing our duty? This can never stand.

American Patriots Deserve Better

January 6th Ashli Babbitt

Is the Deep State trying to pull off one of the Largest Con Jobs in American History - a Red-Flag event designed to discourage the Constitutional "Fourth Branch" of gov't - We The People - from doing our duty? This can never stand.

American Patriots Deserve Better

January 6th Ashli Babbitt

Is the Deep State trying to pull off one of the Largest Con Jobs in American History?

Was J-6 a Red-Flag event designed to discourage the Constitutional "Fourth Branch" of gov't - "We The People" - from doing our duty? This can never stand.

American Patriots Deserve Better

Patriots Serving Patriots:

Patriots Serving Patriots: